La realidad aumentada (RA) lleva años siendo tema de debate en el seno del periodismo. Son numerosos los experimentos informativos realizados y el término ha pasado a ser de uso común entre la ciudadanía. El artículo trata de entender y contextualizar a través de un estado del arte en qué estadio se encuentra dicha tecnología y qué expectativas tiene a medio plazo para ser un discurso normalizado de uso masivo. Como resultados se ha generado una taxonomía de lo que se ha denominado periodismo inmersivo RA. Para dar valor a esta propuesta, se analizan casos singulares de los cuales se extraen características que los han hecho pasar a ser ejemplos emblemáticos. Cerrando el análisis, se ha ejecutado un focus group como instrumento interpretativo de validación de resultados. Se concluye que este relato se encuentra suficientemente maduro para integrarse como recurso periodístico apelando en principio a la divulgación y al infoentretenimiento. Taxonomy and state of the art of a promising phenomenon Abstract. Augmented reality (AR) has been a topic of debate in journalism for years. Numerous informative experiments have been carried out and the term has come to be commonly used by the public. The article tries to understand and contextualize through a state of the art what stage this technology is at and what expectations it has in the medium term to become a standardized discourse for mass use. As a result, a taxonomy of what has been called AR immersive journalism has been generated. In order to give value to this proposal, unique cases are analyzed, from which characteristics that have made them emblematic examples are extracted. To close the analysis, a focus group was carried out as an interpretative instrument to validate the results. It is concluded that this story is sufficiently mature to be integrated as a journalistic resource, appealing in principle to dissemination and infotainment.
Augmented reality (AR) has been a topic of debate within journalism for years. There are numerous informative experiments carried out and the term has become commonly used among citizens. The article tries to understand and contextualize through a state of the art at what stage this technology is and what expectations it has in the medium term to be a normalized discourse for mass use. As a result, a taxonomy of what has been called AR immersive journalism has been generated. To give value to this proposal, singular cases are analyzed from which characteristics that have made them become emblematic examples are extracted. Closing the analysis, a focus group was executed as an interpretive instrument to validate the results. It is concluded that this story is sufficiently mature to be integrated as a journalistic resource, appealing in principle to dissemination and infotainment. Taxonomy and state of the art of a promising phenomenon Abstract. Augmented reality (AR) has been a topic of debate in journalism for years. Numerous informative experiments have been carried out and the term has come to be commonly used by the public. The article tries to understand and contextualize through a state of the art what stage this technology is at and what expectations it has in the medium term to become a standardized discourse for mass use. As a result, a taxonomy of what has been called AR immersive journalism has been generated. In order to give value to this proposal, unique cases are analyzed, from which characteristics that have made them emblematic examples are extracted. To close the analysis, a focus group was carried out as an interpretive instrument to validate the results. It is concluded that this story is sufficiently mature to be integrated as a journalistic resource, appealing in principle to dissemination and infotainment.
Título | Martín Ramallal, P., & Micaletto Belda, J.P. (2022). Periodismo y realidad aumentada: Taxonomía y estado del arte de un fenómeno promisorio. En: Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 28(1), pp. 129-142. |
Autor/s | Micaletto Belda, J.P. – |
Año | 2022 |
Url |
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